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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Page 07

The Professor Carpitelli made a pause in his speech and watched one by one, in 
their eyes,  the members  of  the  Crisis  Unit  and  finally  concluded: "The 
Professor Albani, Scientific Director of the project, now will display you the 
result  of preliminary inquiries  till now  concluded and that will formed the 
line  of  departure  in  order  to  address  our  inquiry  towards  a positive 
conclusion.  Professor Albani  rose  to his feet  and  began  to speak without 
useless preambles,  as it was his habit.  "Well, from the elements that are in 
ours  hands  up  to now,  we can assert  that the heart  of the problem is the 
unsuccessful stop  of the distribution  of food given  to the fetuses from the 
nutritional ganglia.  The whole process  is  automated  and  is  executed from 
servomechanisms  controlled  from  a special ruotine  of the main program that 
manages every process  of Aeacus Project.  In the 2 hours  that  have preceded 
this reunion  we have made some accurate controls.  Please, Professor Stuart". 
The small scientist  began  speaking  with an amazingly deep voice:  "First we 
have controlled  if a Computer Virus  had not been introduced  from World-wide
Network  in the program  of Central Computer,  that it had caused our problem. 
But  we have not found  any of this.  Then  we have rechecked  the code of the 
ruotine in question  to check up  that not there was some error.  Also in this 
case  we have not found anomalies.  The ruotine that regulates  the alimentary 
rhythms  of the Cells works very well.  So the cause of our problem is not the 
program,  but the input  that  from the servomechanism  used  for  the feeding 
returns to the program and makes it believe to have interrupted the alimentary 
cycle,  while instead the food continues  to being distributed.  At this point 
the program enters in a loop, because its ulterior instructions do not succeed 
to being executed,  as at mechanical level  there  is an emergency block  that 
does  not  qualify   the  successive  functions   to  the  cessation   of  the 
administration of the alimentary fluid,  if this really does not stop.  So all 
the final procedures  of awakening  of the fetuses enter in stasis.  Therefore 
the  problem  falls   in  the  sphere   of   competence   of  our  expert   in 
Bioengineering".  The Professor Levi-Richter straightened up the back, that he 
kept slightly bended, he moved the sheets that he held in front of himself and 
began: "Therefore,  the evolution of the biomechanisms used for the feeding of 
the unborn chikds was subjected  to remarkable improvements in the last years. 

Chapter 3 is on following pages:
07 08

I have written this my tale in Italian language and after I have translated it in English language.
If you find some my translation's error, excuse me and send me an e-mail with the correct version. Thanx !!
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