Biochemistry is the science that studies the elements that constitute the living matter and its chemical transformations. More in detail Biochemistry is a branch of Biology that studies the chemical processes that happen in the living organisms. Biochemistry is born as a branch of Physiology, because it studies the chemical aspect of the vital functions of the organisms. From some decades it is a separate science. The living matter changes its shape continuously at cellular level and the chemical energy is transformed into radiating kinetic energy or again into other shapes of chemical energy. The study of this constitutes one of the most important parts of this science. Also if Biochemistry is an universal science, in the assembly of biological sciences, nevertheless it is born and it is developed above all at the service of the medicine. This is its main aspect. In fact a ward intended for the study of the biochemical problems exists in every medical discipline, and therefore also in Pediatrics or Embryology.
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